Friday, February 29, 2008


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . . . My hubby got a fortune cookie yesterday that said, "Some people pursue happiness, you create it." I like the sentiment of that. Life . . . this existence we have that some know how to take advantage of, some don't. Liberty . . . freedom, the ability to self-determine what you're going to do and how. Happiness . . . now that is harder. Happiness for everyone it is different.

What is happiness? For some it is material: money, things, more money, chocolate . . . you get the drift. For some it is not material: family, love, faith or feelings of general well being. For others it is simply unattainable. Of course if you don't know what makes you happy it's kind of hard to make sure you get it, isn't it? Back to the fortune cookie. What if you stop pursuing happiness and just create it or decide to BE happy? I know. A sickeningly simple thought that can be very hard to do.

I don't have any answers. But I've come to the conclusion that I am going to find out what makes me happy, short term, long term, whatever and go after it. Because the pursuit can be fun. But you know what? I've got the best hubby in the world. He's my best friend, my partner, my lover and my other half. He and I have a beautiful son who is a treasure and a happy boy as long as he has his favorite burp rags to play with (he's 3.5 months old.) Now that is what makes me happy. If I could figure out my career . . . that's a topic for another day.

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